Sometimes those hardware status Errors/Warnings do not want to clear even after you have fixed the issue


In my case, I had a drive failed in a ESXi host that had 2 drives in Raid 1. No Biggie, just replace the drive.

After replacing the drive and confirming everything was in the green(via an IBM interface). I was still seeing the annoying error above in vCenter.

I tried clicking the Update button, and the Reset Sensor button, but no luck.

I quickly found this kb.


So I went through those steps, but still no luck.


So I….

  • Rebooted the host
  • Disconnected and Re-Connected Host in vCenter
  • Disabled and Re-enabled the Plugin in vCenter


At this point, I believed it was probably something cached funny in the Hardware Status service that runs on vCenter. So like I good IT person, I rebooted my vCenter Server



In reality, I probably could have just restarted a couple of the VMware services running on my Windows vCenter Server, but sometimes it is just easier to use the sledgehammer instead of the scalpel.

Categories: vCenterVMware


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