For any familiar with PowerCLI, this is one of the first scripts someone may learn. It is just long enough to need more than one-liner, but short enough to feel like you don’t need to be an expert. Here is one I posted on this site over a decade ago:

$spec= new-object vmware.vim.virtualmachineconfigspec
$ vmware.vim.toolsconfiginfo
$ ="upgradeatpowercycle"
$vms= get-vm $servers
Foreach($vm in $vms){

I share this so we have a baseline when looking at the Ansible version.

- name: Update VMTools Upgrade Policy
  hosts: vcenters
  gather_facts: no
    - vmware.vmware_rest
    - name: Get all VMs
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_passwords[inventory_hostname] }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: no
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: vms

    - name: Change VMTools upgrade policy to UPGRADE_AT_POWER_CYCLE
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_passwords[inventory_hostname] }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: no
        vm: "{{ item.vm }}"
        upgrade_policy: UPGRADE_AT_POWER_CYCLE
      register: _result
      delegate_to: localhost

The two tasks here are straightforward even though they look and feel a more complicated than the PowerCLI version.

The first tasks gathers all the VMs in vCenter, and the second tasks changes the VMtools upgrade policy so VMtools upgrades during a reboot. That’s it.

Ansible’s benefit over PowerCLi is it can allow non-technical user to run pre-written playbooks very easily with little knowledge needed. Would I suggest everyone start transcribing all the Powershell/PowerCLI scripts to Ansible? Definitely not! But I do think exercises like this are important for learning Ansible or anything new as when we take a process or a script with which we are already familiar, it makes understanding the new tool or process that much easier.
