Hey Everyone!
So my goal is to put a post up, kind of like a journal post each day chronicling my experience. I also have delusions of doing a live blog during one of the sessions, but that one is probably less likely.
Also in all fairness, this is my first VMWorld, so it is entirely possible that once everyone gets started, my eyes will glaze over, and I will come to on Thursday. So we will see.
Anyway, Yesterday, Saturday, the day I am dubbing my VMWorld 2012 .5 was pretty great. I flew American Airlines from the StL, and it was a great ride, arrived early, no problems. After arriving and getting all settled in I met JoshCoen for dinner, and then we headed to vBeers.
The vBeers event was great. Granted for the first couple of hours it was standing room only because of all the people, but that is also partially what made it so awesome.
Never really having met anyone in person from the VMWorld community, it was great to meet people I have maybe briefly chatted with here and there, as well as everyone else. Being apart of the VMware community is just a great experience no matter where you are and who you meet.
I quickly realized though that I needed to introduce myself twice. “Hey, I’m Conrad, and I also go by vNoob” was a common phrase for me. Granted I am no Scott, Duncan, or Luc, so not everyone is going to recognize me by either of my aliases though. For those that were like “Oh, Hey, I read your blog”, that is a pretty great experience too 🙂
After a large amount of SoCo and a late night stop at Subway. I am ready to start on the next day!
Edit: I also want to put out there that I will have a disc(frisbee) with me at all times, so if anyone wants to throw hit me up on twitter. If enough people want to throw, maybe we can do a vUltimate with vNoob :). Hit me UP