Although VMworld 2014 US is now over, we can still continue to learn from it.

Even if you accomplished everything you set out to do at VMworld, there is never a way to do everything there. Or Maybe you didn’t even have a chance to go to VMworld, and feel like you may have missed out.

Well I am here to help!

VMWorld Sessions

If you went to VMworld, you are able to view all the Sessions that happened at VMworld for Free! Yep, Free! Even if you didn’t go to VMWorld you can view Sessions from past VMWorlds for Free!

VMWorldTV is already offering several sessions on their youtube channel

Hands On Labs

Available online are the Hands On Labs. For me personally, I always tell myself I am going to go to the HOL area at VMWorld and do a couple, but I never quite make it there. This way I can do them at home!

vBrownBag Sessions

An increasing popular part of VMWorld are the vBrownbag sessions. I would say these are getting to the point where some of them are even better than the VMWorld Sessions :\

Check them out on youtube


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