Books Books Books

So you could say I have become slightly addicted to learning about VMware. In addition to passing my VCP exam a couple weeks ago(read here), I have also purchased 6 VMware books in the last 3ish weeks. Yes, I agree that is not a small amount of VMware books….They do Read more…


That’s right, I just passed my VCP-410 Exam!!! I am pretty freaking excited about it too. I have been studying for it a TON the past week or so, which is why I haven’t been able to put out too many posts. Sorry about that 🙁 . But now I Read more…

The Beginning

Greetings All!! I just put up this site and I really hope it turns out to be useful to a lot of people. As a  summary, I started this blog to be useful to those of us who aren’t experts in VMWare and need some of the even basic stuff Read more…