Quick Tip: Check VMs for VMTools Upgrade Policy

I know I have posted before regarding changing the vmtools upgrade policy, which you can find here. I noticed that I didn’t have an explanation about how to check the current vmtools upgrade policy. Fortunately, it is just an easy one-liner 🙂   get-view -ViewType virtualmachine| format-table name, @{name="ToolsUpgradePolicy";E={$_.config.tools.toolsupgradepolicy}} Granted, I select Read more…

Quick Tip: Full vCenter Transaction Log Errors

A while ago my vCenter Service shutdown and I could not get it restarted.  I looked in the event logs of the server and found this guy Log Name:      Application Source:        MSSQL$SQLEXP_VIM Date:          11/14/2011 6:02:25 PM Event ID:      9002 Task Category: (2) Level:         Error Keywords:      Classic User:          SYSTEM Computer: Description: Read more…

HA Configuration Errors

I have both fortunately and unfortunately worked with HA a lot lately. I have a process that resolves most of the host HA configuration errors I come across. Obviously it won’t fix the specific errors relating to a vswitch or shared storage etc., but it does fix most of my Read more…