
That’s right, I just passed my VCP-410 Exam!!! I am pretty freaking excited about it too. I have been studying for it a TON the past week or so, which is why I haven’t been able to put out too many posts. Sorry about that 🙁 . But now I Read more…

Container Objects in vCenter

When I went through my Install, Manage, Configure(ICM) course, container objects was a concept that took me a while to wrap my head around. The ideas of what object can contain another, along with the difference in features between containers…I guess there was just a lot of facts to get Read more…

Virtualization on Android

Just saw this great article on engadget. The post isn’t that long but the video from MWC is pretty amazing. The speed at which the phone not only switches between the OS’s but runs them is incredible. Check out the article here

The Beginning

Greetings All!! I just put up this site and I really hope it turns out to be useful to a lot of people. As a  summary, I started this blog to be useful to those of us who aren’t experts in VMWare and need some of the even basic stuff Read more…