HA Configuration Errors

I have both fortunately and unfortunately worked with HA a lot lately. I have a process that resolves most of the host HA configuration errors I come across. Obviously it won’t fix the specific errors relating to a vswitch or shared storage etc., but it does fix most of my Read more…

My Cert Arrived

Well the title might be slightly misleading…. My certification(VCP4) came a few weeks ago, or maybe even a bit longer than that. I don’t remember.  I have not been the most active blogger in the world, and for that I apologize, especially to those few who started following me early. Read more…

Local or Remote vCenter Database?

Local or Remote vCenter Database The age old question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to have your vCenter database locally, or to suffer the slings and arrows (really, it’s not much more difficult) of setting up your database on a remote server? This is an important question, as both Read more…

Books Books Books

So you could say I have become slightly addicted to learning about VMware. In addition to passing my VCP exam a couple weeks ago(read here), I have also purchased 6 VMware books in the last 3ish weeks. Yes, I agree that is not a small amount of VMware books….They do Read more…

Should I Allocate More Memory?

So let’s attempt to answer this question: “Should I add more memory to a Virtual Machine?”  To which my answer is “It Depends….” The simple answer is this “High guest OS memory usage with no ballooning or virtual machine sway indicates the need to add more memory to the virtual” Read more…

Resource Loading Tools

Recently I wanted to get some tools that would load specific resources on a guest so I could play around and run some tests. I almost immediately realized that I didn’t really have any kind of good tools/programs to use. After some searching online I found that I still hadn’t Read more…